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  • Writer's pictureCorrine Cox

Halloween Decoration Levels. Which one are you?

There are several levels of Halloween décor. Lets read on to see the different types and I want to hear from you which one you lean more towards and why.

Halloween, Halloween Decorations, holiday décor, scary decoration, how to decorate for Halloween.

Are you the type of person who plans months ahead on how to decorate your home? Or are you the last minute person who just goes with the flow? Me I am a simplest, I use the same decorations every year, I do add some new ones in when I can, and I just got with the flow due to my busy schedule. I don't over do it with decorations but I do enjoy decorating my home for the holidays. I love seeing all of the different personalities that are shown through decorating during the holidays. When it comes to your home why not let your personality shine through and decorate to your little hearts desire?

After trying to think of how to write this article and searching google I learned there are several level of decorating. Read on and see which one you are.

The Elegant One

The elegant one is someone who decorates with all white and adds some accent colors to tie it all together. It is planned out, with weeks or months of piecing together every single item and making sure it all flows well. They enjoy taking their time and revising their design until it is perfect in every single aspect. Each object has a precise spot, each color is set in a specific location.

Tip: Using white as the base color try adding in gold, rose gold, and black to make it look high end and elegant. Even adding in some deep wine red can help elevate the wow factor.

The Theme Planner

I mean who doesn't like a new theme every single year to keep things exciting? Taking your time to make a theme plan each year is a great way to mix things up and not get bored of the same old same old. These are the ones to keep your eye on for exciting new ideas. Movies are a great way to select a specific scene and make it your theme.

Tip: Themes to think about for next years Halloween Celebration. 1. Ghosts from different era's decorate them with how you think those people dressed during a certain era. 2. Mummies, dress them up as different Egyptian Gods. 3. Pumpkins, carve pumpkins as different spooky movie characters. 4. Pick a spooky movie and design and build or buy each character from a specific scene

" There is magic in the night where pumpkins glow by moonlight."

Unknown author

The Focused One

The focused one plans their décor around one color scheme. Usually it is classic Halloween colors such as black, orange, red, purple, green etc.... With this type of decorating you want to only add a few colors together so it does not clash and make it too hectic. Keeping it sophisticated and simple is the key.

Tip: Using orange as the base color try adding in green and black to keep it focused and classic. Using pumpkins, bats, vampires, and other spooky items without over doing it will help this flow.

The Gory One

The Gory one is the one who makes everything have the scary wow factor. It is their goal to make it look as realistic as possible. With blood, guts, and gnarly wounds coming out of their props. Making their own haunted houses, they are not afraid of scaring everyone that takes a step onto their property. Their goal is to send shivers down your spine and maybe give you a scary dream. Gruesome looking decorations are their go to when buying or making them. The more realistic the better.

Tip: Look for zombies, any extreme Halloween movie for ideas, clowns, rodents, any decorations that move with props, making your own never seen scary character can really tie in this type of theme.

The Cute One

The cute one wants everything to look as adorable as possible. Their goal is not to frighten you at all. They want to add in cute witches, cute little black cats, bats, and painting pumpkins with different designs and soft colors. They take their time to make home made goodie bags with a nice saying on it for their friends, family, and neighbors. Their home made goodie bags have Halloween colored glitter or with a design on the ribbon that ties together the goodie bags. Each witch has sparkles with perfect hair. Their front porch has home made signs, cute front door mats, a pop of color in their decorating. Their front porch is always well put together and inviting.

Tip: Layering front door mats can help add some color, using Pinterest for printable stickers is a good way to go for free printouts, painting pumpkins with soft colors and different designs can really bring out the cute wow factor. Stringing lights around your front door and adding soft bulbs can brighten up the area. Home made signs or even ones you can purchase for your front entry will make your entry feel welcoming. Decorate with outdoor pillows can set apart your décor from others.

Are you one of these types during Halloween or are you someone who I did not list?

There are so many more levels of Halloween Decorating. You honestly cant go wrong with any of these and make it your own. Each will make a great and exciting holiday for you and others. Remember this is your home make it what you want. Let your personality shine how you chose to let it. Always compliment others on their hard work with decorating, even if it isn't your style. They worked hard at it just like you.

I hope you have a wonderful Halloween! I want to hear which type of decorator you are and if you are a person that is not listed in this article. Let me know which one you are and tell me about your holiday.

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